Using Shorebird with your Team
Shorebird Code Push allows developers to deploy fixes to Flutter apps instantly, over the air, to end users’ devices. It takes less than 5 minutes to integrate and requires no changes to your code or dev workflows. Updating through Shorebird can change any amount of Dart code in your app and is designed to help you fix your app quickly and safely, while still complying with Apple and Google store policies.
Shorebird Pro subscribers have long enjoyed per-app collaboration, where they were able to share a single app with multiple other developers. However until today it was not possible to share groups of apps to groups of people all at once. Nor was it possible to set up sharing without having apps in the first place. To address both of these, we’ve introduced “Organizations” support in Shorebird.
Your team can now collaborate on a group of apps together, and control access to that group of apps in a single place. It’s also now possible to have the person who sets up billing and access for an organization be separate from the person who creates the apps.
See our docs for more information: