Windows Desktop Support (beta)

Eric Seidel

Eric Seidel

Founder & CEO

1 min read

Shorebird now supports updating Flutter apps built for Windows desktop! 🥳


The release and patch flow is the same as iOS, Android and Mac:

# Creates a new windows release
shorebird release windows
# Patches a windows release
shorebird patch windows --release-version=1.2.3+4

Windows support is in beta and only supports Windows x64 at this time. Let us know if you require Windows arm64 support.

Try this out and let us know what you think. Let us know if you run into any issues or have ideas for new features by creating a new GitHub issue

Shorebird allows you update your Flutter apps instantly, over the air. It takes less than 5 minutes to integrate and complies with Apple and Google store policies.